Adventures on Paper

Adventures On Paper

Math-Art Activities for Experience-centered Education of Mathematics

Edited by Kristóf Fenyvesi, Ilona Oláhné Téglási and Ibolya Prokajné Szilágyi

Publisher: Eszterházy Károly College, Eger, 2014

ISBN: 978-615-5297-25-0

This publication is a pedagogical toolkit, which presents hands-on materials and detailed methodological descriptions for the realization of almost forty interactive math-art workshops in the classroom. A number of significant international representatives of visual mathematics, mathematical art and experience-centered mathematics teaching have contributed and we have tried to cover a wide variety of topics. Most of the activities we selected can be completed with paper or cardboard on a cost-effective way and equipment readily-available in most educational institutions such as scissors and colouring pencils, and, at most, a photocopier.

We hope that the teachers who use our toolkit will succeed in encouraging their students to see mathematics as a joyful endeavour rather than the dry and boring subject many believe it to be. Moreover, we hope that this collection is adopted as a handbook not just by math teachers, but also by art teachers wishing to illuminate the links between the two disciplines of art and math.

felsFull book in English

pdf [Pages 1-100] [Pages 101-200]

felsFull book in Serbian

pdf [Pages 1-100] [Pages 101-200]

felsA supplement to the book
by Dirk Huylebrouck

pdf [Templates]

Fill the GAP!

GeoGebra Action Package (GAP) for the ADVENTURES ON PAPER exercise book

Please note, that you need to install GeoGebra on your computer to run the following files. GeoGebra is an open source software freely available for non-commercial users. You can download Geogebra from here: https://www.geogebra.org/download

felsPatterns, Symmetry, Modularity and Tile Games
by Slavik Jablan and Ljiljana Radovic

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra files] (Ex. 1: Practice Frieze symmetries!, Ex. 2: Construct labyrinths!)
ggb [geogebra file - Ex. 1] [geogebra file - Ex. 2]

felsDecoration of Polyhedra using Escher-like Tessellations
by Robert Fathauer

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra files] (Ex. 1: Constructing rays in GeoGebra, Ex. 2: Squids and other rosettes in the fifth-order)
ggb [geogebra file - Ex. 1] [geogebra file - Ex. 2]

felsTangram-type Games Developing the Concept of Area and Volume
by Ilona Oláhné Téglási

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra files]
zip [compressed geogebra files]

felsMöbius Strip and Frieze Symmetries
by Eleonóra Stettner

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra files] (Ex. 1: Interesting features of Moebius strip, twisted strips and their limits, Ex. 2: Make symmetric and asymmetric graphs!)
ggb [geogebra file - Ex. 1] [geogebra file - Ex. 2]

felsThe Polygonal Technique in Islamic Geometric Design
by Jay Bonner

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra file] (Semi-regular Archimedean tiling)
ggb [geogebra file]

felsArabesques and Quasicrsystals
by Jean-Marc Castera

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra files] (Ex. 1: Constructing golden section and golden triangle, Ex. 2: Construction of a rosette from rhombuses)
ggb [geogebra file - Ex. 1] [geogebra file - Ex. 2]

felsDecorating Regular Polyhedra Using Historical Persian Interlocking Star Polygonal Patterns
by Reza Sarhangi

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra file] (Constructing Mirza Akbar’s decorated pentagon)
ggb [geogebra file]

felsImpossible Objects, Paradox Figures
by Tamás F. Farkas

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra files]
ggb [geogebra file - Ex. 1] [geogebra file - Ex. 2]

felsLet us play Native American!
by Georg Glaeser

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra file]
ggb [geogebra file]

felsDesign Anamorphosis in the Classroom
by Kristóf Fenyvesi and Ildikó Szabó

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra file]
ggb [geogebra file]

fels3D Fractal Workshops
by Dirk Huylebrouck

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra files] (Ex. 1: Creating Koch-snowflake in GeoGebra, Ex. 2: Construct the Africa fractal)
ggb [geogebra file - Ex. 1] [geogebra file - Ex. 2]

fels“Slide-Together” Geometric Paper Constructions
by George Hart

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra file] (Construction of pentagram template in Geogebra)
ggb [geogebra file]

felsLeonardo’s Elevated Polyhedra Models
by Rinus Roelofs

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra file] (Leonardo’s graphics in GeoGebra)
ggb [geogebra file 1] [geogebra file 2]

felsMathematical Adventures in Origami
by Krystyna Burczyk and Wojtek Burczyk

pdf [instructions for the GeoGebra files]
ggb [geogebra file - Ex. 1] [geogebra file - Ex. 2]

All Geogebra applications and instructions were made by Eleonóra Stettner and the Tempus Geogebra Team.
