2013 2014
- Katja Fält (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
Labyrinths in the Nordic Countries - Art, History, and Culture
[slideshow] [comments to the slideshow] [video] - Robert Fathauer (USA)
Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science
[video] - Kristóf Fenyvesi (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
The Experience Workshop MathArt Movement: Experience-centered Education of Mathematics through Arts, Sciences and Playful Activities
[paper] [video] - Miklós Hoffmann (Eszterházy Károly College, Hungary)
How sharp is a curve - differential geometry in primary and secondary schools
[video] - Slavik Jablan (ICT College of Vocational Studies, Serbia)
Modularity in Art
[video] - Ruth Mateus-Berr (University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria)
Art & Design Mathers
[slideshow] [video] - Ljiljana Radovic (MISANU, Serbia)
Workshop on mirror curves
[slideshow] [appendix1] [appendix2] [video] - Lóránt Réz (Eszterházy Károly College, Hungary)
The music of the spheres on the front of the Gesú Nuovo in Naples
[résumé] [video] - Rinus Roelofs (WENK, Belgium)
The interesting side of polyhedra
[video] - Ilona Téglási (Eszterházy Károly College, Hungary)
Developing visual logic and problemsolving by logical games and toys
[slideshow] - Timo Tossavainen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
On perpendicularity
[slideshow] [video]
Three theories and a teachnig model
[slideshow] - Andrea Solazzo (Sint-Lucas School of Architecture, Belgium)
Architecture and geometry
[video] - Ildikó Szabó (Experience
Workshop Math-Art Movement, Hungary)
Mathematical Body Building with ZOMETOOL and Countless Challenges to Brainy Builders with JOVO
[résumé] - Sunčica Zdravković, Đurđica Takači (University of Novi Sad, Serbia)
Mathematical modeling in education
[slideshow] [video]