Visuality & Mathematics – Experimental Education of Mathematics through Visual Arts, Sciences and Playful Activities
held in Belgrade, Serbia, Sep 17-19, 2014organized by the Tempus Project 530394-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-HU-TEMPUS-JPHES "Visuality & Mathematics: Experiential Education of Mathematics through Visual Arts, Sciences and Playful Activities" with the focus of bringing together scientists, students and teachers working on and using advanced methods for development of technology and the pragmatic educational methods in the field of mathematics and other sciences.
Topics and Scope of the Conference
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Mathematical Modelling in Teaching
- Mathematics and Arts
- Mathematics and Sciences
- Mathematics and Real Life
- Mathematics and Games
Submission of papers and proceedings
Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically. To submit, please prepare a PDF file of your paper, and send it to the following e-mail address:
The submitted papers must be no longer than 2500 words (approximatively 15000 characters without spaces, including an abstract and references), with at most 5 figures.
All papers will be reviewed by 2 reviewers. Criteria for selection of papers include the relevance to topics, soundness, overall quality and readability.
All accepted papers will be scheduled for oral presentations and will be included in the conference proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and attend the conference to present the work.
Requirements of artwork for exhibition
Image of artwork (300 dpi): vismath_SURNAME.jpg
Short description of mathematical and artistical content (max. 1000 words): vismathexh_SURNAME_desc.doc
Short curriculum vitae (300 Words in phrases): vismath_SURNAME_cv.doc
Filled template with signature in a scanned file: vismath_SURNAME_templ.pdf
The transfer of all requested Information should be finished until the 1st of September to the following contact:
The exhibition will be a visual collection of possible solutions of mathematical contents, such as
- experiments with perspective,
- visualisations of algorithms,
- two- or three-dimensional models of geometrical contents, or
- artwork that is inspired by mathematical contents
- etc.
A jury consisting of representatives from the University of Applied Arts Vienna and research partners will select artworks which will be exhibited in form of a multimedia installation at Belgrade Metropolitan University. Participation includes the agreement that photos & texts of the artists and those which were produced during the VISMATH exhibition in Belgrade 2014 might be published on the VISMATH Website and other related to the research project and in printed proceedings.
The artists will be listed in the program of the conference.
Requirements for educational toolkits
For the Submission please use the template for classroom examples.
Filled template send in a separate file: vismath_SURNAME_edutool.doc
Filled template should be send until the 30th of August to the following contact:
During the conference there will be the possibility to offer workshops as “testing experiments”. Please do not forget to inform us whether you are planning to present your toolkit - or not!
A jury consisting of representatives from the research partners will select educational toolkits, which will be presented online via this homepage.
The selected submissions will be presented as short presentations on the conference and published in a special issue of the electronic journal "Visual Mathematics" published by the Mathematical Institute.
Participation includes the agreement that photos & texts of the educational toolkit designersmight be published on the VISMATH Website and others related to the research project and in printed proceedings.
Important Dates
Full object submission: 1st September 2014 (Camera ready)
Artists notification: 5th September 2014
Conference: 17th - 19th September 2014
Conference venue
The conference will be held in Belgrade Metropolitan University, Tadeuša Košćuška 63, Belgrade, Serbia.
Program Committee
Dragan Domazet, Belgrade Metropolitan University, Serbia
Kristof Fenyvesi, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Slavik Jablan, ICT College of Vocational Studies, Serbia
Ruth Mateus-Berr, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria
Ljiljana Radović, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Ibolya Szilágyi, Eszterházy Károly College
Đurđica Takači, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
A more detailed program will be available here soon.